2015-12-06 00:00:00
来 源
Debian Linux
该篇讲述Robolinux 8.3 发布下载,基于 Debian 的 Linux 发行,Robolinux8.3发布下载,Robolinux是基于DebianGNU/Linux最新稳定发行的用户友好的、直观的操作系统。该项目非常有趣的特性之一

Robolinux 8.3

Robolinux 8.3 发布下载,此版本主要添加了:

1. Spotify: Music streaming, podcast and video service
2. Photo Filmstrip: Makes movies out of your pictures
3. Scribus: Powerful Desktop Publishing
4. Privoxy: Removes ads, banners, pop-ups & other Internet junk
5. OpenShot: An easy to use Video editor
6. gThumb: An advanced image viewer and browser
7. Pinta: An easy to use drawing/editing program
8. specto: Unobtrusive update notification program
9. Wireshark: A powerful network packet analyzer & sniffer
10. Blender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer

详细改进内容请看发行说明。Downloads (MD5) (pkglist): robolinux64-live-lxde-v8.3.iso (1,897MB), robolinux64-live-xfce-v8.3.iso (2,036MB), robolinux64-live-mate-v8.3.iso (1,887MB), robolinux64-live-cinnamon-v8.3.iso (2,010MB)。

Robolinux是基于Debian GNU/Linux最新稳定发行的用户友好的、直观的操作系统。该项目非常有趣的特性之一是预配置好的VirtualBox虚拟机支持套件,可运行 Windows XP或Windows 7,从而允许用户在Robolinux中无缝安装和运行Windows操作系统。

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